BSI Publications

If you publish results obtained by PEAKS, please cite:

“PEAKS_version_number (Bioinformatics Solutions Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)”

and/or the following papers:

  • Tran NH, Qiao R Xin L, Chen X, Liu C, Zhang X, Shan B, Ghodsi A, Li M. Deep learning enables de novo peptide sequencing from data-independent-acquistion mass spectrometry. Nature Methods. 16(1), 63-66. 20/12/2018.
  • Tran NH, Zhang X, Xin L, Shan B, Li M. De novo peptide sequencing by deep learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114(29). 18/7/2017.
  • Tran NH, Rahman MZ, He L, Xin L, Shan B, Li M. Complete De Novo Assembly of Monoclonal Antibody Sequences. Scientific Reports. 6(31730). 26/08/2016